Attendance and Punctuality
If a child is unwell and unable to come to school, then the parent should contact the school by telephone before 9.30am.
A letter accounting for all days absent must be sent to the school upon the child’s return.
An unexplained absence is counted as unauthorised absence and is noted on our records.
Click on this link to have a look at our Attendance Policy for more information.
Holidays in term time are extremely disruptive to a child’s education.
The school does issue penalty notices and levy a fine for unauthorised absences. No holidays or other non-illness related absences are authorised during term time as the school expects children to attend everyday unless they are unwell.
It is very important that children arrive on time for school each morning.
Children should arrive at school between 8.35am and 8.45am through the school field gate.
Once this gate is closed, children who arrive late need to gain entrance through the school office and their lateness will be recorded. The Attendance Officer will monitor lateness and will contact parents who persistently fail to get their children to school on time.
The school is not responsible for children after the school day; staff are often involved in running after school clubs, attending courses or meetings and are not available to supervise children who have not been collected. In exceptional circumstances a parent may be delayed in meeting their child at the end of the day; in these cases parents should contact the school as soon as possible and let them know that they have been held up. Any child left at school after 4.00pm without contact from parents will be placed into the care of the local Social Services department, at the discretion of the Headteacher.
How to be an attendance hero
Please take a look at our attendance leaflet:
A Parent's guide to supporting your child to be an attendance hero