Sports Premium
The Governor responsible for Sports Premium is Mrs K Varsani.
Sports Premium Funding
All schools receive funding for PE through the Sports Premium which is now in its eleventh year.
We have continued to think about encouraging active, happy and healthy lunchtimes and this is an area that we will continue to improve next academic year too. We have paid for sports coaches to come in three times a week to run football sessions and ball games activities.
We have continued to improve our staff confidence, knowledge and skills in the teaching of PE through specialist teacher training and PE courses. Training focused on challenging and supporting children where needed. It also focused on 'My Personal Best' which helps us to further develop our PE lessons through encouraging and celebrating different life skills as well as physical skills, such as teamwork, resilience and understanding of the skills learnt.
This helped to ensure that we were following a curriculum that provides a good progression of skills and that helped the children to be both challenged and supported where needed.
We paid for top-up swimming lessons for Year 6 pupils during the second half of the Summer term.
We attended inter-school competitions through the School Games and the PE and School Sport Premium Support Package.
Please click here to see the Impact Plan for 2023-2024.
We used this as follows:
Staff training
Staff from Year R to 6 received training from a Dance specialist teacher. Training was also given to staff in these areas: tennis, rackets bats and balls, attack and defence and rounders through a specialist PE teacher; sourced vai the Sport Premium Support Package. Two course run by the Local Authority were attended by staff, these were on practical dance and general PE (three sessions).
Competitions and clubs
Pupils attended an Orienteering competition, a Multi-Skills competition, a Tag Rugby Festival.
Pupils from our specialist provision took part in a Paralympics event hosted by a local school.
We had our School Games Day in June where our Year 6 pupils acted as leaders during these events; they ran carousel activities and helped to organise the races.
Football games have been run by coaches at lunchtimes.
We offered a Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 football club and gymnastics clubs in school; these ran across the whole year.
Specialist sports coaches
Two specialist football coaches worked alongside our midday supervisors to promote active lunchtimes three times a week, They ran football matches for Years 3, 4, 5 and 6. They also ran ball games for the EYFS and Key Stage 1 pupils.
PE equipment
Equipment purchases included: replacement of 6 netball/basketball nets, two outdoor table tennis tables and equipment for Year R to enhance their outdoor learning area. Balls and bean bags were also purchased for PE lessons and to enourage active lunchtimes.
Impacts of previous sports premium spending
Please click here to see the Impact plan for 2022/2023
Please click here to see the Impact plan for 2021/22
Please click here to see the Impact plan for 2020/21
Please click here to see the impact plan for 2019/20
Please click here to see the impact plan for 2018/19
Please click here to see the impact plan for 2017/18
Please click here to see the impact plan for 2016/17