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Barrington Primary School

"Supporting each other to achieve together"

The Article 12 Committee

We involve the children in whole-school issues through our Article 12 Committee, made up of pupil-elected class representatives who meet regularly to discuss matters relevant to the children.

Concerns and ideas are discussed at class meetings and fed back to the Committee so that every child at Barrington feels they have a voice and that their opinion is listened to and acted upon when appropriate.

There are currently 13 members of The Article 12 Committee at Barrington and Miss Taylor joins them at their meetings to help them get organised. 

The Article 12 Committee representatives are:

For Year 6 -  Alba and Adam
For Year 5 -  Brandon and Nicole
For Year 4 -  Julia and Rivaan
For Year 3 -  Ashton and Luna
For Year 2 -  Arthur and Bella
For Year 1 -  Rachel B (year 6 rep)

For Year R - Amina (year 6 rep)

Talking Base: Adriaan